Centre County
The Personal Finance Lab
Learning Starts Here!
Learning made easy! The Learning Management System contains over 600 lessons, articles, videos, interactive calculators, glossary terms, and a semester course. These cover a wide range of topics including, personal finance, investing, economics, social studies, business with quizzes. Download the Personal Finance Lab's Curriculum Overview.
Let the Games Begin! PennCFL will continue the successful Stock Market Competitions for elementary, middle, and high schools. These comprehensive financial programs and competitions are held each semester with more than $10,000 in annual prizes for students and teachers. Sponsored Counties have the most awards.
Life happens! Learning begins! In the Budget Game, students learn to manage their checking, savings, and credit card accounts, deal with life’s expected and unexpected events, and try to increase their emergency fund, credit score, net worth, and overall game score. They also work through the lessons for a complete learning experience!
Entrepreneurship! Students will research, write, and present their business ideas via a video “pitch.” Our curriculum jump-starts minds, fosters critical thinking, financial literacy, and risk management skills. Elevator speeches are uploaded to our portal, where they are rigorously reviewed. Generous prizes are awarded to the victors.

Sponsored Schools
Bald Eagle, Bellefonte, Central Mountain, Penns Valley, Philipsburg Osceola, State College and Grace Prep High School along with other private schools in the county
Current Quarter and Semester Game Dates
In the Spring, we celebrate with extra special local/county middle and high school competitions
Spring Full Semester Prizes per County*
First Place - $100 - top game, $25 teacher
Second Place - $50 game, $20 teacher
Third Place - $30 game, $15 teacher
*Must be active games, no cash only portfolios
If you are ready to create a sponsorship relationship which exceeds your goals and gives you the chance to become a part of our growing, passionate organization, contact us at CShirk@penncfl.org or call 570-975-5149.