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StockTrak, a world leader in financial learning and simulations presents the Personal Budgeting Game. Our partnership provides you with a learning platform & a budgeting simulation. The simulation includes embedded lessons, along with the teacher lessons and curriculum that includes banking, credit, debt, savings, taxes, & more.
The Personal Finance Lab is an all-in-one platform that makes teaching Financial Literacy simple!
Personal Budgeting Game
Student Games & Contests with Prizes:
First Semester Programs
Early Fall, Fall Semester & Late Fall
Each opens Aug. 1st & close Jan. 10th
Second Semester Programs
Early Spring, Spring Semester & Late Spring
Each opens Aug. 1st & close May 30th
StockTrak's Personal Finance Curriculum Includes:
* Direct Instruction * Worksheets
* Technology Based * Accompanying
Activities Presentations
* Class Discussion * Assessments
* Full Class Activities * External Resources
* Individual Activities * Small Group Activities
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