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Personal Budget Game

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Personal Budgeting Game

Budget simulation.  Competition with prizes. Embedded curriculum.  Banking, credit, debt, savings, taxes, & more.  All in one platform.

Your students’ goals are to build their net worth by transferring money from their checking account to savings, and build up their credit score by responsibly covering cash flow shortfalls (and paying off their balance on time).

“Life Events” crop up every couple days, with unplanned expenses (and occasionally income) putting pressure on their budget – requiring careful planning!


Class rankings tie everything together, with students able to compare their net worth, credit score, and overall score with their classmates!

                 Early Fall, Late Fall and Full Fall Semester Programs 

                                Anytime Between Aug. 1st - Jan 10, 2025

Early Spring, Late Spring, Full Spring Semester Programs 

             Anytime Between Aug. 1st - May 30, 2025

Life Happens, Learning Begins!

Your students will begin as a college student.  Then may continue for another year, as a full-time worker, with all new challenges.  Each month takes about 20 minutes to complete.   

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As they progress, they will be challenged to:

  • Students Build a Budget to Manage Income & Expenses.

  • Real-Life Scenarios, with Both Planned & Unexpected Expenses.

  • Set Realistic Savings Goals to Build Net Worth & Quality Life.

  • Students Manage Their Credit and Learning About Credit Scores

Students progress through the game, with similar (but not the same) events happening across the class. Students taking a risk will sometimes pay off, but sometimes it comes back to bite! This is an awesome starting point for class discussions – who did what, and how did it pay off?

They learn to understand long-term consequences, as students are hit with “Life Events” (usually an unplanned expense), every few days. Their choices from these events have long-term impacts on how the game progresses for each student.

While students work through the budgeting game, they also work through the lessons from the curriculum library (with built-in assessments) for a complete learning experience!  

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  Register for free Personal Finance Lab teacher workshops.

Call us if you would like to have greater access to the Personal Finance Lab from StockTrak, at 570-975-5149.

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