Prepare Your Students for the

Summary Plan Downloads for Submissions:
Organize your students into teams of up to a maximum of three. They will work together during the program.
Have each team brainstorm ideas for a business idea and a business name. The students come to the event with a refined business idea and a business name.
Research online the appropriate competition to better understand pricing and the dynamics of the marketplace.
If feasible, have the students talk to local business owners and other adults, for further feedback before coming to the event.
Have the student teams pitch their ideas to the class, to help them refine their ideas and business names.
Download a submission document - your choice if you use the worksheet or a simple outline of a business plan, these blue buttons are to the left.
Either print or download the document, then complete the first section with the business idea and the business name. One laptop or notebook per team is all that is needed, though each student may bring their own. This is just an option, not a requirement to bring technology.